Guatemala Eyeglass Mission

“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light” Luke 11:34


Welcome to our group’s page! You can follow along on our journey by clicking the boxes up above. We hope to keep you updated throughout our mission trip but please be gracious to us if we are a bit behind on posting. Our main focus while in Guatemala is to remain focused on those around us to live as examples of Christ.

We will be spending 8 days in Guatemala providing an eyeglass clinic where we will be addressing the visual needs of the community around us. Throughout the week we hope to provide not only glasses but also the love of God to all who we encounter. While sharing our gifts, we also hope to learn the love and joy of those around us and to return with a new outlook on life.

Our group is made up of 8 people from Michigan, 1 from Pennsylvania, 1 from Wisconsin, and 1 from Florida. We span all ages, backgrounds, and occupations including optometry, nursing, sales, teaching, engineering, and even a pastor. God has granted us all a diverse range of talents that we hope to share with each other and with those around us.

While preparing for our trip and while on our trip we appreciate any and all prayers. Some specific prayer requests include safe keeping, our spiritual welfare, and for God’s work in our hearts and the hearts of those we reach.

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